Wednesday, May 26, 2010

MN Stormwater Inspection Checklists - SWPPP Inspection Form

Depending on the industrial sectors they fall into, as soon as June 2010, Minnesota industrial and municipal sites that are subject to the MPCA general permit for industrial discharges will need begin conducting facility SWPPP Inspections.

Note: Looking for inspection checklists or other information on other States? Caltha maintains checklists and SWPPP templates for all States. For more information go to:
Caltha LLP Stormwater Services

Who Can Conduct Inspections?
The General Permit requires that facility stormwater inspections be conducted by appropriately trained staff (internal or external). The SWPPP must list the individuals who have been trained to conduct these inspections.

Click here for more information on SWPPP training services, stormwater inspection training and stormwater monitoring training.

Upcoming SWPPP implementation training: Plymouth, MN, Mankato, MN, Moorhead, MN

What Areas Need To Be Inspected?
The areas that need to be inspected will change for different types of industrial sites and will also depend on the types of Best Management Practices (BMPs) being used at the individual site.

Review a summary of industrial sector requirements in Minnesota
Comparison of MPCA industrial stormwater benchmarks to historical industrial group monitoring

Site Inspection Form - Inspection Form
Because the inspections will be different between the numerous industrial sectors and between individual facilities, a "standard" inspection checklist or inspection form has not been prepared by MPCA. Individual sites are expected to determine what areas need to be inspected at their site.
SWPPP checklist - Stormwater inspection form preparation

For more information on Caltha LLP SWPPP services, go to the Environmental Health & Safety Plan | Spill Plan Information Request Form. Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at or Caltha LLP Website

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