Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Jersey (NJDEP) No Exposure Industrial Stormwater Permit

In June 2007, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) reissued its general permit for stormwater discharges from industrial sites. The reissued permit did not include stormwater monitoring or sector-specific requirements, which are common in many general stormwater permits being reissued recently around the US.

Rather than including many detailed requirements in the general permit, NJDEP has opted to include a significant performance requirement - once the stormwater pollution prevention plan (SPPP) is implemented, there must be no exposure of source materials and/or industrial activity to stormwater. This requirement is in contrast to other States where exposure to stormwater should be “minimized”. New Jersey permittees must be in compliance with the no exposure requirement by the end of 2008.

NJDEP does offer a conditional exemption from obtaining a discharge permit through a No Exposure Certification; however, the requirements for no exposure are more stringent. In this case the requirement is for Permanent No Exposure – all industrial materials are stored and/or all industrial activities are performed (with limited exceptions) inside a permanent building or permanent structure that is anchored to a permanent foundation and is completely roofed and walled.

Contact Caltha LLP or more information on SPPP templates that meet NJDEP permit requirements.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

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