Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Industrial Stormwater Monitoring in Minnesota - Benchmark Monitoring

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has released its revised general permit for stormwater discharges from industrial sites. The most important change in the draft permit compared to the previous MPCA general permit is the requirement to sample stormwater discharges.

Flowchart of MPCA Stormwater Monitoring Requirements

All permittees, regardless of size or business sector, will collect and analyze at least four quarterly samples during Year 2 of permit coverage. These samples will be compared to “benchmark” concentrations. Depending on the results, further quarterly samples may need to be collected in Year 4 and 5, and corrective actions may be required. Additional reporting, including a “Benchmark Exceedence Report” and evaluations will be required for dischargers who continue to exceed benchmark concentrations. All sample results will be reported to MPCA.

Related Links:

Further information on stormwater benchmarks

Further information on selecting stormwater monitoring techniques

Comparison of stormwater benchmarks to historic industrial sector discharge data

It should be noted that some permittees will also be subject to EFFLUENT LIMITS and will have to conduct effluent limit monitoring. The schedule and requirements for effluent limit monitoring are different from Benchmark Monitoring.

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ports - Water Transportation Sector Requirements Under MN Permit

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage between June & October 2010, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised Minnesota permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Water Transportation Sector (Sector Q). Sector Q includes SIC Code Major Group 44 that have maintenance shops and/or equipment cleaning operations, including water transportation industry, marine cargo handling operations, ferry operations, towing and tugboat services, and marinas. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

The facility must inspect all the following areas/activities: pressure washing area; blasting, sanding, and painting areas; engine maintenance and repair areas; drydock area; and general yard area.

The facility must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections shall be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge.

Good Housekeeping:
Each facility must implement a schedule for routine yard maintenance and cleanup. Regularly remove from the general yard area scrap metal, wood, plastic, miscellaneous trash, paper, glass, industrial scrap, insulation, welding rods, and packaging.

Each facility must implement procedures for routinely maintaining and cleaning the drydock area to prevent or minimize pollutants in stormwater runoff, and address the cleaning of accessible areas of the drydock prior to flooding following removal of the vessel and raising the dock. Include procedures for cleaning up oil, grease, and fuel spills occurring on the drydock.

The site must regularly clean deposits of abrasive blasting debris and paint chips.

Employee Training:
The employee training program must include used oil management, spent solvent management, disposal of spent abrasives, fueling procedures, painting and blasting procedures, and used battery management.

Preventive Maintenance:
The SWPPP must describe measures to prevent spent abrasives, paint chips, and overspray from coming into contact with stormwater. The operations must contain all blasting and painting activities, or use other measures to prevent the discharge of the contaminants (e.g., hanging plastic barriers or tarpaulins during blasting or painting operations to contain debris).

Each site must also implement and describe measures to prevent or minimize the contamination of stormwater from all areas used for engine maintenance and repair, and measures to prevent or minimize the contamination of stormwater from material handling operations and areas (e.g., fueling, paint and solvent mixing, disposal of process wastewater streams from vessels).

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations are:

TSS 100 mg/L
Total Aluminum 1.5 mg/L
Total Lead 0.164 mg/L
Total Iron 1.0 mg/L
Total Zinc 0.234 mg/L

Note: Benchmark for aluminum were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules.

[Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks]
[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Sector W Furniture & Fixtures Manufacturing - Storm Water Permit

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either June 1, August 1 or October 1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised Minnesota permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Furniture and Fixtures Manufacturing Sector (Sector W). Sector W facilities primarily engaged in the manufacture of furniture and fixtures and wood kitchen cabinets. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values depend on product type:

Furniture and Fixtures (SIC 2434, 2511-2599):

TSS 100 mg/L

[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Stormwater Permit for Leather Tanning & Finishing

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage between June & October 2010, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised Minnesota permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Leather Tanning and Finishing (Sector Z). Sector Z facilities are engaged in leather tanning, currying, and finishing activities. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Preventive Maintenance:
The site SWPPP must include measures to store pallets and bales of raw, semi-processed, or finished tannery by-products indoors or these materials must be protected by polyethylene wrapping, tarpaulins, or roofed storage; to the extent feasible, the facility must store materials on impermeable surfaces and enclose or put berms around these areas. The operations must also prevent or contamination of stormwater runoff with leather dust from buffing and shaving areas, and must use dust collection systems and assure that they are operating properly.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values depend on SIC code:

Leather Tanning and Finishing (SIC 3111):
TSS 100 mg/L
Chromium +3 3.5 mg/L
BOD 25 mg/L

Note: Benchmarks for chromium were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules.

[Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks]
[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients across Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Wastewater - Water Treatment Works Stormwater Permit

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage between June and October 2010, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised Minnesota permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Treatment Works Sector (Sector T). Sector T facilities are engaging in treating domestic sewage, or any other sewage sludge or wastewater treatment device or system used in the storage, treatment, recycling, and reclamation of municipal or domestic sewage; including land dedicated to the disposal of sewage sludge; that are located within the confines of the facility with a design flow of 1.0 million gallons per day (MGD) or more; or are required to have an approved pretreatment program under 40 CFR Part 403. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Employee Training:
In addition to other training requirements, employee training programs need to include training:
1) petroleum product management;
2) process chemical management;
3) fueling procedures; and
4) proper procedures for using fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides.

Routine inspections must include:
1) access roads and rail lines;
2) grit, screenings, and other solids handling areas;
3) sludge drying beds;
4) dried sludge piles;
5) compost piles; and
6) septage or hauled waste receiving stations.

Potential Pollutant Sources:
The site SWPPP must also describe potential pollutant sources including solids handling areas; sludge drying areas; compost piles; septage or hauled waste receiving stations; and access roads and rail lines.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. The benchmark concentrations are:

TSS 100 mg/L
BOD 25 mg/L

[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Ship - Boat Building & Repair Sector Requirements in MN

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage between June and October 2010, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised Minnesota permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Ship and Boat Building and Repair Yards Sector (Sector R). Sector R facilities are engaged in a manufacturing of boats as well as boat repair operations These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Employee Training:
In addition to other training requirements, employee training programs need to include training:
1) used oil management,
2) spent solvent management,
3) disposal of spent abrasives,
4) fueling procedures,
5) painting and blasting procedures, and
6) used battery management.

Good Housekeeping:
The facility SWPPP must address measures to address housekeeping in yards and dry dock areas.

In addition to routine inspection requirements, the operation must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections must be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge.

Routine site inspections must include pressure washing area; blasting, sanding, and painting areas; engine maintenance and repair areas; drydock area; and general yard areas.

Preventive Maintenance:
The site SWPPP must include measures to prevent spent abrasives, paint chips, and overspray from coming into contact with stormwater. The operation must contain all blasting and painting activities, and must regularly clean deposits of abrasive blasting debris and paint chips. The SWPPP must describe measures to prevent or minimize the contamination of stormwater from all areas used for engine maintenance and repair

Potential Pollutant Sources:
The site SWPPP must also describe potential pollutant sources including outdoor manufacturing or processing activities, and significant dust or particulate generating processes.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. The benchmark concentrations or values are:

TSS 100 mg/L

[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Electronic and Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Sector - MN Permit

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002. [Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements] All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage between June and October 2010, depending on their industrial sector. Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector The revised permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Components Manufacturing Sector (Sector AC). Sector AC facilities are engaged in a range of product manufacturing, including a. measuring, analyzing, and controlling instruments, photographic and optical goods, watches and clocks; computer and office equipment; and electronic and electrical equipment and components. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors. Review requirements that apply to all sectors Inspections: In addition to routine inspection requirements, the operation must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections must be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge. Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks: All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values depend on product type: Electronic, Electrical, Photographic, and Optical Goods (SIC 3571-3579, 3812-3873): TSS 100 mg/L Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Components, except Computers (SIC 3612-3699): TSS 100 mg/L Total Copper 0.028 mg/L Total Lead 0.164 mg/L Note: Benchmarks for zinc and iron were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules. [Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks] [Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit] [Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to] Looking for other sector information? Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training. For further information contact Caltha LLP at info@calthacompany.com or Caltha LLP Website

Airport Sector Requirements Under MPCA Permit

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by between June and October 2010, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Air Transportation Facilities Sector (Sector S). Sector S facilities include only those portions of the site that are engaged in servicing, repairing, or maintaining aircraft and ground vehicles, equipment cleaning and maintenance, or deicing/anti-icing operations.. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Review requirements that apply to all sectors

Permit requirements can apply to both Airport Authority and to individual tenants, including airline carriers, fixed- base operators (e.g. fueling companies and maintenance shops), and others that have leases/agreements with the airport authority to conduct business on airport property. The effected tenants may not necessarily conduct activities that, on their own, would require an industrial stormwater permit.

Employee Training:
In addition to other training requirements, employee training programs need to include training:
1. Proper handling of deicing materials and fuels.
2. Spill and leak prevention.
3. Proper recordkeeping of deicing fluids applied and stored.

[Read more about Minnesota stormwater training]

Good Housekeeping:
For agricultural aviation operations occur, the facility must prevent contact of stormwater with pesticides, herbicides, and other agricultural chemicals.

In addition to the routine inspection requirements, facilities must conduct two inspections per month during the deicing season. Operations must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections must be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge.

Preventive Maintenance:
All facilities must evaluate whether over application of deicing chemicals on runways occurs by analyzing and adjusting application rates as necessary, consistent with considerations and requirements of flight safety The site SWPPP must include measures to prevent or minimize contamination of stormwater from all areas used for aircraft, ground vehicle and equipment maintenance, and must store all aircraft, ground vehicles and equipment awaiting maintenance in designated areas only.

Potential Pollutant Sources:
The site SWPPP must also describe potential pollutant sources including aircraft, runways, ground vehicle and equipment maintenance and cleaning, aircraft and runway deicing operations, runways and loading areas where agricultural aviation operations occur.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. The benchmark concentrations are based on deicing chemical usage:

>100,000 gallons of glycol-based deicing/anti-icing chemicals and/or >100 tons of urea on an average annual basis:
TSS 100 mg/L
BOD 25 mg/L
COD 120 mg/L
Total Ammonia 2.8 mg/L
pH 6-9

Less than 100,000 gallons
TSS 100 mg/L
BOD 25 mg/L
COD 120 mg/L
Total Ammonia 2.8 mg/L

Note: Benchmark for ammonia were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules.

[Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks]
[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]

Looking for information on Minnesota SWPPP - Industrial Stormwater Training?, go to:
MPCA Industrial Stormwater Training - SWPPP Training - Stormwater Inspection Training

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Textile Mills - Apparel & Fabric Products Sector - MN Permit

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either June 1, August 1 or October 1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Textile Mills, Apparel, and Other Fabric Products Sector (Sector V). Sector V facilities are engaged in textile mill product preparation, the manufacture of apparel, fabrics, carpets and rugs, and leather products; dyeing and finishing of fibers, yarn fabrics, and knit. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

In addition to routine inspection requirements, the operation must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections must be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge.

Preventive Maintenance:
The site SWPPP must include use of spill and overflow protection; and covering or enclosing areas where the transfer of materials occurs. The SWPPP must also address the replacement or repair of leaking connections, valves, transfer lines, and pipes that carry chemicals, dyes, or wastewater.

Potential Pollutant Sources:
The site SWPPP must also describe potential pollutant sources including numerous specific listed processes and activities specific to this sector.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. The benchmark concentrations or values are:

TSS 100 mg/L

[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Transportation Equipment, Industrial Commercial Machinery Sector - AB

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either June 1, August 1 or October1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Transportation Equipment, Industrial and Commercial Machinery Manufacturing Sector (Sector AB). Sector AB facilities are engaged in a wide range of product manufacturing, including:
a. manufacturing engines and turbines,
b. manufacturing farm and garden machinery and equipment,
c. manufacturing construction, mining, and materials handling machinery and equipment,
d. manufacturing metalworking machinery and equipment,
e. manufacturing special industry machinery, except metalworking machinery,
f. manufacturing general industrial machinery and equipment,
g. manufacturing refrigeration and service industry machinery,
h. manufacturing miscellaneous industrial and commercial machinery and equipment,
i. manufacturing motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment,
j. manufacturing aircraft and parts,
k. manufacturing motorcycles, bicycles, and parts,
l. manufacturing guided missiles and space vehicles and parts, and
m. manufacturing miscellaneous transportation equipment.

These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Review requirements that apply to all sectors

In addition to routine inspection requirements, the operation must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections must be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values are:

TSS 100 mg/L

[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Fabricated Metal Products Sector - MPCA Permit Summary

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either June 1, August 1 or October 1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised Minnesota permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Fabricated Metal Products Sector (Sector AA). Sector AA facilities include fabricated metal products (except machinery and transportation equipment) jewelry, silverware, and plated ware, and fabricated metal coating, engraving and allied services. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Review requirements that apply to all sectors

The facility must conduct inspections addressing areas associated with spent solvents, chemical storage areas, and outdoor paint areas.

In addition to routine inspection requirements, the operation must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections must be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge.

Good Housekeeping:
The pollution prevention program must implement measures for controlling or recovering scrap metals, fines, and metal dust. The SWPPP must include measures for containing materials within storage handling areas. The SWPPP must describe and implement measures for storage of metal working fluids.

Leaks and Spills:
The spill prevention plan must describe and implement measures to control and clean up spills of solvents and other liquid cleaners, control sand buildup and disbursement from sand-blasting operations, and prevent exposure of recyclable wastes including rinse waters. Each operation must use monitoring equipment or other devices to detect and control leaks and overflows of lubricating oil and hydraulic fluid operations and install perimeter controls, or equivalent measures.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values depend on product type:

Fabricated Metal Products, (SIC 3411-3499; 3911-3915)
TSS 100 mg/L
Total Aluminum 1.5 mg/L
Total Iron 1.0 mg/L
Total Zinc 0.234 mg/L

Fabricated Metal Coating and Engraving (SIC 3479):
TSS 100 mg/L
Total Zinc 0.234 mg/L

Note: Benchmarks for zinc and iron were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules.

[Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks]
[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients across Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Printing - Publishing Industrial Sector - MPCA Permit

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either March 1, July 1 or September 1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised Minnesota permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Printing and Publishing Sector (Sector X). Sector X covers a fairly broad range of facility types, including book printing, commercial printing and lithographics; platemaking and related services; commercial printing, gravure; and other types of commercial printing. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Preventative Maintenance:
The SWPPP must implement measures that prevent or minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from blanket wash areas, and mixing solvent areas. Each site must have BMPs that address the replacement or repair of leaking connections, valves, transfer lines, and pipes that may carry chemicals or wastewater.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations for Printing and Publishing (SIC 2711-2796) are:

Total Silver 0.0041 mg/L
TSS 100 mg/L

Note: Benchmark for silver were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules.

[Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks]
[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Landfill - Land Application Site Stormwater Rule

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either June 1, August 1 or October 1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised Minnesota permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Landfills and Land Application Sites Sector (Sector L). Sector L includes waste disposal at landfills and land application sites that receive or have received industrial waste, including sites subject to regulation under Subtitle D of RCRA. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Review requirements that apply to all sectors

The facility must inspect all active operating landfills and land application sites at least once monthly, including areas of landfill that have not yet been finally stabilized; active land application areas, areas used for storage of material and wastes that are exposed to precipitation, stabilization, and structural control measures; leachate collection and treatment systems; and locations where equipment and waste trucks enter and exit the site. Inspections must nsure that sediment and erosion control measures are operating properly.

Erosion and Sediment Control:
The facility must implement sediment control practices on all down gradient perimeters before any upgradient land disturbing activities begin. These practices should remain in place until final stabilization has occurred. Sites must also provide temporary stabilization for the following: materials stockpiled for daily, intermediate, and final cover; inactive areas of the landfill; landfill areas that have gotten final covers but where vegetation has yet to establish itself; and land application sites where waste application has been completed but final vegetation has not yet been established.

Good Housekeeping:
The operation must provide protected storage areas for pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.

Preventive Maintenance:
Sites must maintain the following: all containers used for outdoor chemical and significant materials storage; all elements of leachate collection and treatment systems, to prevent commingling of leachate with stormwater; the integrity and effectiveness of any intermediate or final cover (including repairing the cover as necessary), to minimize the effects of settlement, sinking, and erosion.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values depend on facility type:

Municipal Solid Waste Landfill(MSWLF) areas closed in accordance with 40 CFR 258.60:
TSS 100 mg/L

Any open or closed non-hazardous waste landfills and land application sites, which do not discharge to surface water(s), and where stormwater that has directly contacted solid waste:
TSS 100 mg/L
Total Iron 1.0 mg/L

Any landfill that discharges to surface water(s), and stormwater that has directly dontacted solid waste (pursuant to 40 CFR pt. 445, subp. B.):
TSS 100 mg/L
BOD 25 mg/L
Total Ammonia 34.8 mg/L
Total Zinc 0.234 mg/L
pH 6-9

Some landfills may also be subject to effluent limits under the MPCA permit.

Note: Benchmarks for iron, zinc and ammonia were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules.

[Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks]
[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients across Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Hazardous Waste TSDF Requirements - MPCA Stormwater Permit

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either June 1, August 1 or October 1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised Minnesota permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities Sector (Sector K). Sector K facilities are primarily engaged in treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous wastes, including those that are operating under interim status or a permit under subtitle C of RCRA. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values are:

TSS 100 mg/L
pH 6-9
BOD 25 mg/L
COD 120 mg/L
Ammonia 34.8 mg/L
Lead 0.164 mg/L
Arsenic 0.680 mg/L
Cadmium 0.0078 mg/L
Zinc 0.234 mg/L
Total Chromium III 3.5 mg/L
Cyanide 0.045 mg/L
Selenium 0.040 mg/L
Silver 0.0041 mg/L

In additon, hazardous waste landfills and any landfill that discharges to a surface water, and where stormwater has directly contacted solid waste may be subject to effluent limitations.

Note: Benchmarks for metals, cyanide and ammonia were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules.

[Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks]
[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Friday, February 19, 2010

Rubber Plastics and Other Manufacturing Sector - MPCA Permit Requirements

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either June 1, August 1 or October 1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Rubber, Miscellaneous Plastic Products, and Miscellaneous Manufacturing Sector (Sector Y). Sector Y covers a very broad range of product types, including manufacturing of tires and inner tubes; rubber and plastic footwear; gaskets, packing and sealing devices; and rubber hose and belting; fabricated rubber products; Manufacturing of miscellaneous plastics products; musical instruments; dolls, toys, games and sporting and athletic goods; pens, pencils, and other artists’ materials; costume jewelry, costume novelties, buttons, pins and needles and miscellaneous notions. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Review requirements that apply to all sectors

The facility must conduct inspections addressing air pollution control equipment (e.g., baghouses, electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers, and cyclones) for any signs of degradation (e.g., leaks, corrosion, or improper operation) that could limit their efficiency and lead to excessive emissions. The operation must monitor air flow at inlets and outlets (or use equivalent measures) to check for leaks (e.g., particulate deposition) or blockage in ducts. Also inspect all process and material handling equipment (e.g., conveyors, cranes, and vehicles) for leaks, drips, or the potential loss of material.

In addition to routine inspection requirements, the operation must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections must be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge.

Preventive Maintenance:
Each site must implement specific controls to minimize contact of zinc with stormwater discharges by:

a) using chemicals purchased in pre-weighed, sealed polyethylene bags,
b) storing in-use materials in sealable containers,
c) ensuring an airspace between the container and the cover to minimize “puffing” losses when the container is opened,
d) using automatic dispensing and weighing equipment, and
e) replacing or repairing improperly operating dust collectors or baghouses.

The operation must also implement specific controls to minimize contact of plastic resin pellets with stormwater discharges.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values depend on facility type:

Rubber Manufacturing (SIC 3011-3069):
TSS 100 mg/L
Total Lead 0.164 mg/L
Total Zinc 0.234 mg/L

TSS 100 mg/L

Note: Benchmarks for zinc were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules.

[Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks]
[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Transportation, Trucking & Warehousing Sector Requirements

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either June1, August 1 or October 1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Land Transportation and Warehousing Sector (Sector P). Sector P includes Land Transportation and Warehousing facilities as identified by a narrative description and not solely by their the Standard Industrial Code. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Review requirements that apply to all sectors

The facility must inspect all the following areas/activities: storage areas for vehicles/equipment awaiting maintenance, fueling areas, indoor and outdoor vehicle/equipment maintenance areas, and vehicle/equipment cleaning areas.

The facility must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections shall be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge.

Employee Training:
The employee training program must include proper disposal of used oil and spent solvent management; fueling procedures; proper painting procedures; and used battery management..

[Read more about Minnesota stormwater training]

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values depend on facility type; unlike most industrial sector, Sector P facilities are assigned by NARRATIVE descriptions, and not by SIC code:

Rail Transportation Facilities:
TSS 100 mg/L

Petroleum Bulk Oil Stations and Terminals:
TSS 100 mg/L

Motor Vehicle Facilities:
TSS 100 mg/L

Warehousing and Storage; General Warehousing, Farm Product Warehousing, Refrigerated Warehousing:
TSS 100 mg/L

[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

MPCA Requirements for Automobile Salvage Yards Sector

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either June 1, August 1 or October 1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Automobile Salvage Yards Sector (Sector M). Sector M includes sites primarily engaged in the dismantling or wrecking used motor vehicles for parts recycling or resale and scrap. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Employee Training:
The SWPPP must address the following areas in the employee training program: proper handling (collection, storage, and disposal) of oil, used mineral spirits, anti-freeze, mercury switches, refrigerants, and solvents.

Good Housekeeping:
The SWPPP must include to the maximum extent feasible:
1) store all batteries indoors;
2) recycle lead battery cable ends and wheel balancing weights;
3) remove all fluids from vehicles and recycle or dispose accordingly;
4) remove and segregate mercury switches and mercury containing devices;
5) recycle fuels,
6) remove and dispose of refrigerants as required with complete avoidance of venting to atmosphere;
7) remove and dispose of glycols as required;
8) remove and recycle all lead parts;
9) separate and recycle plastics or dispose as solid waste;
10) store all engines and transmissions (that have been removed from vehicles) in covered areas not exposed to precipitation.

The site must immediately inspect vehicles arriving at the facility for leaks. The site must inspect for signs of leakage, all equipment containing oily parts, hydraulic fluids, any other types of fluids, or mercury switches; and also inspect all vessels and areas where hazardous materials and general automotive fluids are stored, including mercury switches, brake fluid, transmission fluid, refrigerants, and antifreeze.

The facility must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections shall be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge.

Stormwater Controls:
Each site must implement the following management practices: berms or drainage ditches on the property line (to help prevent run-on from neighboring properties); installation of detention ponds; installation of filtering devices such as sand filter or mixed media filters, and oil and water separators. Engines and transmissions, and similar oily parts shall be stored in covered areas or, at a minimum, be covered with impermeable tarps or similar material to eliminate contact with stormwater; and above ground liquid storage tanks must have secondary containment.

If stormwater ponds are built, they must meet design standards listed in the permit. No new stormwater infiltration devises are allowed.

Mercury Minimization Plan:
All automotive recyclers must enroll in the End of Life Vehicle Solutions Corporation (ELVS) program. The ELVS program took over the management of the Minnesota Mercury Recovery Program for automotive recyclers and scrap metal recyclers in May 2006. ELVS provides these recycling operations with collection buckets and will pay the costs of transportation, retorting/recycling or disposal of elemental mercury from the automotive switches. ELVS provides educational materials to promote vehicle and scrap metal recycling and proper management of mercury switches and other mercury containing devices.

In addition to the ELVS program, each site must also evaluate its facility to identify and determine any additional sources of mercury that may be introduced to, or used at, the facility. This may include mercury containing devices such as switches including float switches, manometers, barometers, batteries, flame sensors, hydrometers, manometers, medical devices, lamps, mercury compounds, pyrometers, relays, thermometers, freezers, pressure gauges, thermostats, etc. The plan must evaluate how any mercury containing devices may be removed to the extent feasible, or segregated to avoid spills and contact with stormwater.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values apply to all facility types:

TSS 100 mg/L
Total Aluminum 1.5 mg/L
Total Lead 0.164 mg/L
Total Iron 1.0 mg/L

Note: Benchmarks for lead, aluminum, iron were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules.

[Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks]
[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Oil - Gas Extraction & Refining Sector Permit Conditions - MN

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either March 1, July 1 or September 1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Oil and Gas Extraction and Refining Sector (Sector I). Sector I covers a fairly broad range of facility types, including crude petroleum and natural gas, natural gas liquids, oil and gas field services, drilling oil and gas wells, and petroleum refining. These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

The facility must conduct inspections addressing equipment and vehicles that store, mix, or transport chemicals or hazardous materials.

In addition to routine inspection requirements, the operation must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections must be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge.

Preventive Maintenance:
The pollution prevention program must implement measures that prevent or minimize contamination of stormwater from chemical mixing areas, and take measures necessary to prevent discharge of stormwater coming into contact with wastewater pollutants from any sources associated with production, field exploration, drilling, well completion, or well treatment.

Potential Pollutant Sources:
The pollution prevention program must describe the following sources that have pollution potential: chemical, cement, mud, or gel mixing activities; drilling or mining activities; equipment rehabilitation activities.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values depend on product type:

Oil and Gas Extraction (SIC 1311, 1321, 1381-1389):
TSS 100 mg/L
pH 6-9

Oil Refining (SIC 2911):
Ammonia 34.8 mg/L
Total Zinc 0.234 mg/L

Note: Benchmarks for zinc and ammonia were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules.

[Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks]
[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Foundry, Steel Mills, Rolling Mills Primary Metals - MPCA Permit Requirements

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued its revised multi-sector industrial stormwater discharge general permit (MSGP). This permit will replace the existing industrial stormwater permit, which expired in October of 2002.

[Read a summary of the overall Minnesota permit, stormwater monitoring, and sector requirements]

All manufacturing, industrial and “industrial-like” sites that require a permit to discharge stormwater will be required to come into compliance with the revised permit, and to submit an application for permit coverage by either June 1, August 1 or October 1, depending on their industrial sector.

Click here to review a list affected industrial sectors and application deadlines for each sector

The revised permit details requirements for 29 different industrial sectors. The requirements described below are for the Primary Metals Sector (Sector F). Sector F covers a fairly broad range of facility types, including steel works, blast furnaces, and rolling and finishing mills, iron and steel foundries, primary smelting and refining of nonferrous metals, secondary smelting and refining of nonferrous metals, rolling, drawing, and extruding of nonferrous metals, nonferrous foundries and other primary metal products These requirements are in addition to permit requirements that apply to all sectors.

Review requirements that apply to all sectors

The facility must conduct inspections addressing air pollution control equipment (e.g., baghouses, electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers, and cyclones) for any signs of degradation (e.g., leaks, corrosion, or improper operation) that could limit their efficiency and lead to excessive emissions. The operation must monitor air flow at inlets and outlets (or use equivalent measures) to check for leaks (e.g., particulate deposition) or blockage in ducts. Also inspect all process and material handling equipment (e.g., conveyors, cranes, and vehicles) for leaks, drips, or the potential loss of material.

In addition to routine inspection requirements, the operation must conduct two of the monthly inspections during runoff events. One of the inspections must be performed during a snow melt runoff event. Each inspection must include a visual assessment of the runoff to identify any visible sheens or films that indicate the presence of oil or grease in the discharge.

Good Housekeeping:
Good housekeeping practices must include a cleaning and maintenance program for all impervious areas of the facility where particulate matter, dust, or debris may accumulate, especially areas where material loading and unloading, storage, handling, and processing occur. The operation must also implement a cleaning program which includes regular sweeping for the paving of areas where vehicle traffic or material storage occur but where vegetative or other stabilization methods are not practicable. For unstabilized areas where sweeping is not practicable, the operation must select an alternative stormwater management devices that effectively trap or remove sediment.

Stormwater Monitoring Benchmarks:
All facilities are required to conduct visual and chemical (benchmark) monitoring. For benchmark monitoring, the benchmark concentrations or values depend on facility type:

Steel Works, Blast Furnaces, and Rolling and Finishing Mills (SIC 3312-3317):
TSS 100 mg/L
Total Aluminum 1.5 mg/L
Total Zinc 0.234 mg/L

Iron and Steel Foundries (SIC 3321-3325):
TSS 100 mg/L
Total Aluminum 1.5 mg/L
Total Iron 1.0 mg/L
Total Zinc 0.234 mg/L
Total Copper 0.028 mg/L

Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding of Nonferrous Metals (SIC 3351-3357):
TSS 100 mg/L
Total Zinc 0.234 mg/L
Total Copper 0.028 mg/L

Nonferrous Foundries(SIC 3363-3369):
TSS 100 mg/L
Total Zinc 0.234 mg/L
Total Copper 0.028 mg/L

TSS 100 mg/L

Note: Benchmarks for zinc, copper, aluminum, iron were derived based on the Aquatic Life Standards for these parameters in Minnesota Rules.

[Read more about use of Aquatic Life Standards to derive stormwater benchmarks]
[Read more about how benchmarks are used under the revised MPCA industrial permit]
[Read more about what a 100 mg/L benchmark for TSS relates to]

Looking for other sector information?
Click here for a link to all sector requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients in Minnesota to address Stormwater Permitting & Regulatory Support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Stormwater Monitoring and Stormwater Training.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website